Monday, 20 April 2009

Easter in the dormitory

On Easter Saturday - 11th of April - we started to paint eggs with Lilla. One hand because it is a tradition in Hungary and the other hand we wanted to prepare something nice to the others. Gosia mentioned it could be nice to have a common breakfast in Sunday morning. So everything came together!
We got up early and Lilla hid the painted eggs in the field behind our dormitory. So the egg-hunting has started... :) During that I set the table and I also went out, because I also had a named-painted egg to find. It was so funny to see the others chasing the eggs. After that we had a nice traditional breakfast together: ham, boiled egg, salad. It was also nice to introduce our tradition to Anja and Canan, because they either do not celebrate Easter or not this way. I had to realise Polish tradition is quite similar to ours.

Although it was really nice to celebrate together, I really missed my mother dishes, the "watering" on Easter Monday, which is a nice tradition in Hungary: when women have to stay at home and men come around to "water" them with parfume (in old times with water). We say "thank you" for this giving painted and chocolate eggs.

All in all it was a nice time together and a beautiful day as well!


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