Friday, 20 March 2009

Through Europe by gastronomy

On Monday we had a lessson with Eva, who first intoduced the way of healthy nutrition in Denmark by a nutrition compass.

We learnt it is suggested to have:
  • 600 gm vegetable/fruit per day
  • 300 gm fish per week
  • potatoe, rice, pasta, whole-grain bread are also recommended every day
Some rules:
  • go easy with sugar, candy, cakes, soft drink
  • to eat to much fat, especially dairy products (saturate fat!) is not recommended
  • keep normal weight
  • drink water when you're thirsty
  • at least 30 min. phisical activity per day

I don't think we could keep this rules during our cooking...:)
Because everybody cooked something typical from his/her country, and all of them were really heavy. Let's see the dishes:
Belgium: caramelised apple by Anja

Czhech Republic: Bramborové placky - sort of potatoe cake by Mihca&Vacek and Eliska

Denmark: slices of bread with different kind of topings and frikadeller (fried meat balls)

Hungary: Gulyás leves with csipetke + Mákos guba (+ vanília szósz)- Gulas sup with csipetke (special Hungarian dough, specially made for this sup) + Poppy-seed cake (+ vanilla sauce) byNoémi&Máté, Lilla and me

Pierogi - Polish dumplings + Polish cheese cake by Gosia, Mariska and Marlene

Spanish omelet by Carlos

Turkey: Bulgur pilavi - sort of rice meal by Canan&Zep

(The Hungarian part of the video is: Noémi: I'm cooking Gulas sup and poppy-seed cake. These are typical Hungarian dishes. I'm preparing the vanilla sauce, now. Máté: We made up the menu expertly with my collegues: we have already prepared Hungarian 'csipetke' from origin Hungarian egg, Hungarian carrot and Hungarian potetoe. Hungarian sup with origin Hungarian ingredients...:) )

We had to hurry, because we had just only two ours to be ready and we had to clean everything as well within that time. Noémi made preparation with the beef - most important ingredient of Gulas sup - , because normally it takes hours to be cooked. So we already had a stew base. Máté, Lilla peeled the vegetables, Noémi put everything into the saucepen, looked after the sup and started to cook the vanilla sauce as well, and me prepared 'csipetke'. Then Noémi and Máté mad e the poppy-seed cake. During that Lilla and me started to clean up and took photoes and vidios...: )

Some of us who had more time, set the table and Gosia and Marisia folded napkins. When we were ready to eat, first we had to intoduce what we prepared and the ingredients as well.

And then we had a nice lunch together. First we had the Gulas sup - this was the starter -, which is gone within few minutes; after we continued with potatoe cakes, dumplings, omelet, slices of breads, fikadeller, Bulgur...etc. Finally we finished with deserts: cheese cake, poppy-seed cake and caramelised apple. My favourite was the Polish dumplings!:)

I could say it was a really nice to cook and eat together; it was really cosy feeling...
Thank you for the nice dishes for everyone! I'm sure we didn't have to cook dinner that day! : )


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